OCR REST API Developer's Guide

OCR Web Service REST API can be easily consumed by any programming languages or applications that accept web services integration. In this section, examples are shown for the following technologies.

Sample codes available here:
Download .NET REST sample
Download JAVA REST sample
Download PHP REST sample
Download Python REST sample

Since the API is based on REST principles, it's very easy to write and test applications. You can use your browser to access URLs, and you can use pretty much any HTTP client in any programming language to interact with the API.

Here you can find the description of REST API methods:

REST method
HTTP type [POST]
Base URL http(s)://www.ocrwebservice.com/restservices/processDocument
Description This method allows you to recognize a scanned document or image. The method loads the image and processes it with the specified parameters. The result of method execution is the extracted text or url to download output file.

Input parameters:
Parameter name Default value Description
language "english" Specifies the recognition language. This parameter can contain several language names separated with commas, for example "language=english,german,spanish" (see supported recognition languages)
pagerange "allpages" Enter page numbers and/or page ranges separated by commas. For example "pagerange=1,3,5-12" or "pagerange=allpages".
tobw "false" Convert image to black and white (recommend for color image and photo).
zone Specifies the region on the image for zonal OCR. The coordinates in pixels relative to the left top corner in the following format: top:left:height:width. This parameter can contain several zones separated with commas, for example "zone=0:0:100:100,50:50:50:50"
outputformat Specifies the output file format (see supported output formats). Can be specified up to two output formats, separated with commas (example: "pdf,txt")
gettext "false" Specifies that extracted text will be returned.
getwords "false" If it is TRUE the recognized word`s coordinates will be returned.
newline If it is "newline=1" the extracted text will be returned with new line (\n) character
description Optional parameter. Specifies your task description. Will be returned in response.
NOTE: All parameters are optional. But for processing you must specify 'gettext' or 'outputformat'


HTTP Status codes:

OCR Web Service REST API returns the following HTTP status codes:

HTTP status code Description
200 Success request
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized Request
402 Payment Required
500 Internal Server Error

Response formats:

OCR Web Service REST API returns HTTP responses in the following formats:

Format Response type Requested via


Complex value responses

Application/xml in the HTTP Accept header


Complex value responses

Application/json in the HTTP Accept header

Response format fields:

Response format contains following fields:

Field Description
AvailablePages Available pages for the current subscription plan
ProcessedPages The number of pages processed for the last task
OCRText Two dimension array that contains extracted text from each zone and page. OCRedText[z][p]: z-zone, p-pages
OutputFileUrl The URL for the converted output file
TaskDescription This custom field will contain the same value as specified in the input 'description' parameter
Reserved Reserved fields
ErrorMessage If error occured during processing this field will contain error message

Example of response format (JSON) for the status code 200:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: nnn

"AvailablePages" :287848,
"ProcessedPages" :5,
	    "Sample extracted text from zone 01 (Page 01)",
	    "Sample extracted text from zone 01 (Page 02)"
	    "Sample extracted text from zone 02 (Page 01)",
	    "Sample extracted text from zone 02 (Page 02)"


Example of response format (JSON) for the status code 400 (Bad request):
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: nnn

"OCRErrorMessage":"Recognition result has not been specified",
"AvailablePages" :287848,
"ProcessedPages" :0,

REST method
HTTP type [GET]
Base URL http(s)://www.ocrwebservice.com/restservices/getAccountInformation
Description This method allows you to get the current account information

Response format fields:

Response format contains following fields:

Field Description
AvailablePages Available pages for the current subscription plan
MaxPages Maximum pages for the current subscription plan
LastProcessingTime Last processing time
SubcriptionPlan The current subscription plan
ExpirationDate Date when license will be expired
ErrorMessage If error occured during processing this field will contain error message